It has been too long since I have posted here. We love you, dad, and we think of you all the time. I promise I will be better at posting about our goings on. Have I mentioned we may be moving to China in August? Not kidding. Really. China.
The great thing about this site is that I can post about the silly Avery things that I find hysterical that other people might not care that much about, but that I know you will love! So here's the first: Avery hates soda but loves bottles. Every time she tries soda she freaks out about the bubbles and spits the stuff out. But we have become Pop Shop regulars so the soda we drink is in cool bottles. Those she LOVES. So now we make a habit of drinking the soda really fast so that Avery can have the bottles to "drink" out of. If there is one on the table during dinner then she will not eat until she has her hands on it. It's out of control.

Second: Avery is obsessed with the bath. We even say the word and she goes running to the bathroom because she wants to take one. She loves to turn the water off and on, throw toys in and out, and play peek-a-boo in the curtains. While we were visiting Jenn this last month Avery disappeared for a few minutes and when I went to find her this is what I found:

There isn't even any shame in her for it. When I was calling her name she would call back with a "hoo, hoo!" When I finally discovered her she grinned really big and laughed. Oh, this child.
Love you!
Thank you, Princess. I love to hear about Avery. Guess that I'll have to teach her about soda. We'll probably start with something that has gone flat and then work our way up to the bubbly stuff! Now the question about baths is will she still feel that way when she has become a bit more "on her own" so to speak and coming back covered in dirt from head to foot faster than YOU can clean her up?
I love her obsession with the bath. Cracks me up!
I'm going with no- Avery will not keep her love for the bath. I'm 0 for 5 on that account.
Funny about the bottles. And genius about the flat soda to start Dad!
Great-great grandpa Ez would have loved to see Avery handle that bottle. Go, little lady, go!
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