So, Joe's birthday was yesterday. As is my nature I saved the shopping until the very last minute. Avery and I went out to pick up a couple of things at an outdoor mall nearby. Most outdoor malls here have little splash areas where water shoots up and there are cool lights and whatever. Anyway, Avery loves them. So after I made her behave for a couple hours of errand running I figured the least I could do for her is let her get soaking wet in a public place.

Lucky for me I have a sister like Jenn to tell me that I should ALWAYS carry an extra set of clothes for my child wherever we go. I could let her frolic without having to worry about putting a wet baby back in the car.
Those flip-flops are pretty dang cute ... almost as cute as her static hair.
Let's see, a wet happy child or a dry unhappy child. Yeah, Jenn has great wisdom here advising you to always have a change of clothes. That makes for a dry happy child and a very happy mom!
I wish my children realized how wise I am.
Cute girl. Cute photos.
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