I'm teaching a Temple Preparation class this week for one of our young men who will be leaving on a mission to Brazil later this year. The class is being condensed into two evenings, and he is the only student in the class. I'm really looking forward to this because he is a great guy and will be a wonderful missionary. As I was preparing the lessons, I got to thinking about Marriner W. Merrill. I freqauently think of him when the subject of temples comes up.

Brother Merrill was a convert to the Church in 1852 and moved to Salt Lake City the following year. A few years later; sometime around 1860, he moved to Richmond and was subsequently called to serve as the bishop there in 1861. He served in that capacity until 1879 when he became a member of the Stake Presidency and served as a counselor to two Presidents. He was called to be the first President of the Logan Temple in 1884 and then sustained in 1889 as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles where he served until his death in 1906.
What makes his story so interesting, and which is one from which I draw strength whenever I think I have a calling that is overwhelming (yeah, that hasn't been for a while!), is that he was not released as a counselor in the Stake Presidency until his call to the Quorum of the Twelve. Which means that for 5 years he was serving as both a Temple President and a member of the Stake Presidency.
However, to echo the words of some of the more annoying TV commercials, "But Wait...There's More!" He was not released as Temple President upon being called to serve as a member of The Twelve. Instead, he served in both of these capacitites until his passing in 1906. That's 17 years serving at the same time as an Apostle and a Temple President.
But wait...there's more! And didn't you just know there had to be? In 1899 Brother Merrill was called to serve as President of the Cache Valley Stake, where his term lasted for about 18 months. I just can't imagine what it would take to handle being a Stake President, Temple President, or Apostle; but to fulfill all three at the same time, wow! So whenever you think you are busy with Church callings, just remember Marriner W. Merrill.